- 最新消息

日期 |
活动名称 |
活动连结 |
2023/4/3 |
NCDA Webinar 讲座(线上) Life Design with Kathleen Lindenmayer |
2023/4/13~4/14 2023/5/4~5/5 |
AERA Annual Conference 年度会议(实体+线上) Interrogating Consequential Education Research in Pursuit of Truth (Chicago, Illinois) |
2023/4/14 |
APCDA/JCDA Workshop 研讨会(线上) Career Construction Theory and the Human Web (20 English-speaking attendees) |
2023/5/5 |
California Career Development Association Conference 年度会议(线上) The Changing Global Meaning of Work with Intersections of Wellness, Access, and Labor Market Shifts (Virtual) |
2023/5/16~5/26 |
APCDA Conference 年度会议(实体+线上) New Look at Careers in Rapidly Changing World (Astana, Kazakhstan) |
2023/6/29~7/2 |
NCDA Conference 年度会议(实体) Career Development Around the World: Making Connections and Increasing Access to Impact the Global Labor Market (Chicago, Illinois) |
2023/7/15~7/18 |
ASCA Annual Conference 年度会议(实体+线上) Dream Big! (Atlanta) |